Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Noam Chomsky

So the Chomsky intarsia chart is done, I'm knitting it up hopefully the whole way tonight to see if it will work or if I have to tweak anything.  I would have finished it last night but I spent most of las night working on my paper.  On another note however, a friend and I may or may not be headed to Burbank for some yarn shopping and then off to Disneyland for a while.  Our week long spring break will consist of four days or so in Cali and then some time at her place assuming her parents allow it, and even if they don't we'll find a way to finance the trip.  Alright, I'm off to knit a Chomsky face!  

1 comment:

  1. you're going to knit a Noam Chomsky's face??? I have to see this, hahahaha.
